A potential new Buffalo Bills stadium would not be part of a convention center campus, as Erie County officials plan to follow a recommendation that calls for a standalone convention center. (more…)

A potential new Buffalo Bills stadium would not be part of a convention center campus, as Erie County officials plan to follow a recommendation that calls for a standalone convention center. (more…)
The Buffalo Bills have informed Erie County that they will not exercise an opt-out clause in their New Era Field lease, committing the team to an agreement that runs until 2023. (more…)
Erie County executive Mark Poloncarz recently estimated that a new Buffalo Bills stadium would cost at least $1 billion, making it unaffordable for the county. (more…)
A poll of Monroe County residents indicates broad opposition to taxpayer spending on a new Buffalo Bills stadium — a clear indication that the NFL’s string of public funding of stadiums may be in peril. (more…)